When your business sustains damage from winds or other causes, you’re likely going to need to make an insurance claim. There are several things that you need to think about when you’re put in this position because there’s a chance that you might inadvertently do something that alters your ability to receive the compensation you should for the damage.
One of the most important things to remember is that you need to preserve the evidence. You also have to take steps to mitigate the damages. This might seem like a challenge at first, but remember that you can always take pictures to help back up what you’re claiming. Videos might also help you to show your losses.
You will need to contact the insurance company immediately. If there is any criminal element to your loss, such as someone breaking a window or theft, you also need to have a police report written out.
It’s a good idea to ensure you’re familiar with your insurance contract so that you know what your responsibilities are when you need to make a claim. You will also know what your insurer should be doing.
As you are working with your insurer, be sure you keep records about who you speak to about your claim, when you talked to them, and what they say during the conversation. This helps to ensure that you can refer back to it if necessary as you handle the claim.
There is a chance that your insurer might not handle the claim in an appropriate manner. This could necessitate further action from you to get what you’re due. Working with an attorney who is familiar with these types of claims can help you to find out what options you have and work toward getting the payments you need.